Growing Together Summer 2020
Learn All About Ag at Home!

A vision of an “appreciation of agriculture by all” is the driving force of the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom. Also known as LearnAboutAg®, the organization started in 1980 within the California Farm Bureau and now provides agricultural education and experiences for more than 1.25 million students in California annually.
The history of agriculture in California runs deep, and as the percentage of people in California who are directly working in agriculture declines, the need for agricultural education and experiences grows. For students and communities in both urban and rural areas, the resources provided by the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom provide hands-on experiences and curriculum for teachers to easily implement the program in their classrooms. With resources aligned to the State Board of Education standards, staff members help empower teachers to be inspired to integrate agricultural education into their yearly curriculum strategies, leading to lifelong lessons for students.
“We want agriculture to know that we are out there working on their behalf to help continue the legacy of agriculture by telling the truth and the real story of agriculture,” stated Executive Director Judy Culbertson. One of the unique aspects of the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom is their science-based, non-biased use of resources as they partner with and promote all types of agriculture.

The resource portfolio includes teacher field trips, in-class presentations, curriculum and activity modules that can be downloaded by staff to support both teachers and, in some cases recently, even parents who are helping to school their children at home during the pandemic.
Are you or anyone you know seeking new ideas for a classroom or summer program for children? View their resources at their website Currently, they are providing increased support with their “Learn About Ag @ Home” program where they have numerous activity sheets and educational content that can be utilized at home. If you have any questions about the program or want to know how you can get involved, reach out to Judy Culbertson at